T h u n d e r ' s  L i t t e r  B o x


T h u n d e r l i o n


Voln Fu-Fighter

Memeber: Grey Wolf Clan & The House of the Rising Phoenix

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 285 lbs. (350 lbs. in armor (450 lbs. After eating a few Skeletal Lords))

Thunderlion appears as a huge half man/half lion with great gray wings.

His billowing mane is silver. His lion eyes are like hematite stones.

His thick coat is a lush black and storm gray. He has fangs and

claws that can get pretty nasty. He's often found in a dented suit of black and

gray battle plate. His weapon of choice, (when not using his tail or claws), is his morning star

he calls "Meat Tenderizer." Otherwise he just eats anything that pisses him off...

But luckily for the populace... he now mostly reserves his meals to the Undead and the

occassional Roa'ter. He's an amiable lion-man who loves a good neck scratching,

when he can be found at all. If you do run into him tell him how much you love his bunny

slippers and maybe offer him a nice tuna-bit, or a Spectral Warrior femur to chew on (it goes

a long way). And watch out for his tail...it has a mind of its own.

---------------------Oh, and if he asks if you want to see his litter box... say no!

From the Guide to Elanthian Oddities

by Bibi McKraken; Bard

Thunderlion History &



Thunderlion Portrait


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