T h u n d e r - - -P e r f e c t -- - -H o u s e

David Caplan

Struggle Against Thy Chains of Destiny


By Jimmy the Used Car Salesman

To struggle against your destiny is the path towards true evolution,
Because as humans, aren't we all just destined to be monkeyŐs in a big brained promenade,
and smashers of bone.
Fight the mundane course laid out for you and set your own dreams loose upon the world.
Fire your own personal salvation upon the world,
for dreams of different things keep the truth march alive, keep the soup of DNA
and genetic stock fresh, and fresh spirits alive. We are as a whole growing,
we as a whole are sowing, the seeds of our own very souls,
and we are the dreamers of the dreams, we make our spirits climb.
Rise up!
Rise up and claim your right to be what your heart wishes you to be,
not what the masses say, not pigs at play wallowing in the mud of your own bloated violent bellies,
unless, shit is your laboratory for e exploring the inner workings of your mind,
the outer workings of your kind. Fight against plans laid out for you by God and Country,
parents and guilt - fire your own original ideas into this muddled human mix!
Just turn off the noise and the truth will be revealed to yourself through your self.
And all of you stuff-shirts out there saying, "Anarchist! Antiestablishment! Lazy! Antichrist!"
All you boys in big suits and star spangled hats, all you religious hoy-felloys...
Well if Albert Einstein and Jesus had cut their hair and dragged their knuckles,
like you to the roo-too-too-too, of some preordained hoo-skee-doo,
then you'd be swimming around in a pre-mammalian sea of goo—
Wouldn't you?
So shut the fuck up!
Keep your own fears of failure to yourself and stop piling them on the backs of all of the rest.
Besides when is the last time you tried anything liberating, free,
against the bulge in the back pocket of your twill trousers,
or strained against the guilt chain imposed by your churches or temples version of GodŐs words?
When is the last time you had an original thought all by yourself that the millions of others who look
and smell just like you couldn't have thought up?
YouŐre a swatch of the same dull fabric.
Pity, your blind lives are filled with fear, Fear, I say?
Yes fear, and weakness. Imagine the strength it takes to not wear an Easter Bonnet on that day
in a town full of Rabbits. To jump down that dark, dark hole of individuality.
True individuality. Not just for its own blind sake to be different from the others either,
because that too is a form of cowardice, but to just be, to truly be yourself,
and to explore your own inner voice to itŐs fullest potential,
and never being afraid to unleash it upon the world, or to dangle it in the face of criticism
, or public opinion, or some test audience.
Money is a slaver of the worldŐs souls, especially the American soul.
Although it has also freed this country, it has turned on its masters,
and comfort is its Son bearing the number of the Beast and Barney.

Tattooed on everyoneŐs heart should be the words... I AM!
Or whatever the fuck they want.

Now piss off or buy a freakin' car.


