T h u n d e r - - -P e r f e c t -- - -H o u s e

David Caplan

The Scarecrow, the Corn, & the Duke

By David Caplan


Angels All Around

We sat with angels all around us... In our hair in our eyes Like sties.
We sat and burned our corneas on their purity But couldn'tŐt grasp what we saw.
After all who can claim to look into the sun and not burn their vision?


Dog Dead and Barking

Dripping in the sweat of Heaven
we called out to those supposed to save and only found Iniquities and selfishness.
We only found death and the breeze out of the Mouth of a dead dog.
A dying soul of an animal Barking at the injustice of it all.


Freakin Angels They...

They are all around me.
Can't I even take a dump alone?
They are all around m e... always there.
Can't I even breathe without their lips pressed to mine?
Kissing me or sucking the precious air from my freedom... My lungs.
CanŐt they ever leave me alone?
Freakin Angels.


It Sure Ain't No Worms

This is the songbird...
Hear it out in the morning trees,
calling to the awakening sun
and receiving nothing but the light of a new day... Hear that?
What good is light to the hungry mouths of its dying children?
It sure ain't no worms.


Shit I Can Buy a Dog

A dowry?
I donŐt even want to marry the bitch and you are talking about money?
What the fuck is wrong with you, Father...
There needs to be Love and Passion...
Some sort of Pheromone something...
Shit, I can buy a dog!


Dead and Ready for Fun

Save that kind of talk for the ladies in the audience.
I only hear teardrops and the fucking of corpses after they have gone to heaven—
And the beast is left,
Dead and ready for fun.


The Neck Fodder of Whores

There is a back door to all of this...
A sneaky way out after killing so many.
Just ask Jesus for forgiveness.
And Killers become saints.
And Martyrs become the neck fodder of Whores.


Hell I Only See Blood

Open to me this great book
and let me see if my name is inscribed with the quill of crow feathers...
Hell I only see blood...
So my name must be Pure.


A New Birth Among the Weeds

Diamonds do not make the best enemas.
But they sure look spangly next to gold around the throat of young virgins alone amongst the corn— Young virgins waiting for the gods of fertility to strike up inside them
and spread the manure of a new day.
A new birth among the weeds.


Careful What You Wish

Return to those what they have sewn, Sayeth the Lord.
Return to them ten fold what they have reaped in the fields.
This Kindness I grant them.
But woe to those who have sided with the crows against the corn.
Woe to them their black feathers now.
You must be careful what you wish for...


Wait for Me.

There must be gold among the wheat and silver among the corn
now that the scarecrow is here on his cross of wood.
There must be for I was a good boy.
The good book said so.
Hey... where are you all going?
I want to go too... Wait...
Come back for me... Please.


The Duke, The End

The ending is as welcome as the beginning.
Both bringing seeds after rain.
Both bringing seeds after rain, soon to flower.
I saw the crows fly away...
Surely this must be the end before the new beginning. Surely.
Draped in the dreams and flags of rebellion we tore down the scarecrow,
And erected a golden cornstalk,
And all prayed for popcorn...
Maybe even a movie saluting our valiant war.
I sure hope the Duke plays me.

The End.


