Thunder Perfect Nut House

David Caplan

Or You're Nuts

By The Jim Jones Band

How many lives revolve around the cornerstone of the fabric of you? How many longings of yours upset the flow of the world? Do the things you say and do change the course of the ship? Are your desires the desires of those around you because they become your lustsŐ recipients, dreamers of the same dream, though they know it not? Does the field of negativity you emit in your lowest moments or before great change, swirl the world into the pit of your blackness? Are you the Christ of goodness and badness, unwittingly saving and destroying depending on your mood? Are you God? Did you make all of this? Are you insane? I am but a man, a simple man, but made in GodŐs image I guess I have the potential to be so much more. So the world does bend to my will. For better or worse, whether its called my will or my electromagnetic field influenced by the unseen particles of my thoughts, I can change the reality of those around me, which means essentially me. And what if I harnessed this skill or someone else did, enough to create or destroy life? Or they were insane? Then perhaps I guess we would have a world like we have now, that constantly creates itself, in its own image, teaching itself its own lessons, the tail of the snake in its own mouth, a cycle without end or beginning. Then how do we GodŐs get out? Try Buddhism. Try being liken unto Jesus and defeating death. Try following Mohammed or Hinduism. But thatŐs someone elseŐs solution, If I were God, and I might be, and I were to give you advice liken you were one of my children which you are, or another face of mine as God, which you are, and I wanted you to learn something so you could get us out of here or to snap out of this deranged paranoid, self defeating delusion, I would tell you to come up with your own personal solution. Although based upon the collected data and imaginings influenced by what has come before you in observation of sciences and religions etc., I would still delve deep inside of yourself, and there will the key to true freedom from the loop, lie. Or, I tell you to grab a six pack of Black Label and the nearest teenager and shake your booty in the back of your Ford Torino, because your nuts and stuck here doomed to repeat this world forever in many different shapes and sizes anyway, so shit, why not have some fun. And while you are at it... try the juice.

©1975 Jim Jones Death Cult Band All Rights Reserved

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