T h u n d e r        P e r f e c t        H o u s e

David Caplan

P o e t r y

I Had a Dream I Was a Blue Angel With Black Claws

By David Caplan

It was a dream last night...
started out in some kind of Hotel or complex. We (?) were chasing this person:dwarf around to capture
him for something... Not sure... The building was white large open foyer with big glass window high over
head. The ceiling went up two floors. Modern. Anyway I had finally tracked down the Dwarf and he
pulled some kind of stunt but I managed to fling him into this side room (cashier?) and then I forget next
... But then we were in a large supper market. I was (teacher) me in other words kids around me knew me
in the role. My hair out, there were black kids and white and just people watching on as we (?) had
surrounded the Devil (was midget?) but he was now like a Chris Walken type. Anyway we were holding
polite tongue and cheek exchange, people around us weren't really sure who this guy was... And as we
spoke all of a sudden I had pointed at the Devil to tell him "we had come for him" and I could see my arm
was bare but blue swirling with a dark bluish fire and I had a long razor sharp deep blue or black nailŠthe
arm of an Angel. I was amazed at my own arm! I said something telling him "we are here for you Lurd
(the u was seen as a filler for the later Lord. (?) And the others too some of them had seen me at this
point. I looked into the large front windows (night so they were reflecting) But could not see my face,
then I breathed out slowly into my belly and became human again. That I could see in the mirror. And
those around me did double takes. Not sure if they saw me or not. Seemed like a movie. I believe the Devil
character was vanquished at that point. And disappeared. Then a black crow, or I had black wings in my
hair swept me and two other new Angels, two teen age or early twenties black boys up and we flew off
through the super market. Back to Heaven I had assumed... "I had said something like yep were angels,
always new I'd make a good one." The boys weren't sure what was happening. Well as the credits started
to role, heaven wasn't our course... I think. We went through what looked like the meat department doors
and wound up in a long paneled, disgusting hallway. In a Projects type building. Filth everywhere. Babies
playing in it, black white Hispanic, etc. But no one looked unhappy. I had commented to the boys,
"Guess we ain't going to heaven just yet or something to that affect. Thinking either we were hell angels
(crow wings) or on assignment. "I made the comment about thinking I was destined to be an Angel, and
was giddy with the prospect. Felling quite youthful. So I (wiseassishly) began to walk on one of the walls
to get a rise out of those there. And the white Land Lady reprimanded me, calmly. "Hey, don't care what
ya are no walking on the walls. (Walls had kids drawings on them) I said ahh ya can see me... Have other
Angels here. She shrugged and just said Jim and Bob, (forget names) and pointed over her shoulder. These
were college age kids who sold or (FS?) smut, degrading smut on the computer, or Internet. This really
through me if these were angels too we might just be in hell. I remember their FS insignia, a kind of
swastika, with a shotgun and someone else. Nerds... into dirty stuff. But seemed harmless. On
assignment. The two black lads with me were handsome, skin not so hot though.

Then I woke up.

©2000 David Caplan All Rights Reserved