Dream Knights© Writer's Reference section v. 3/1/01

ST. GRAYMOORE Exterior Room Descriptions 2/12/01 v.2


[Room or Street Name] (Map #)
Room or street description (Try and put the ÔactionableÕ shops or main buildings/caves/NPCÕs/etc. at the bottom of the descriptions)
Also here: (Character Names and NPCÕs list here)
Obvious Paths or exits: (nw (room#), n, out, up, down, etc.)
(Not Obvious room exits or paths: (NOT SHOWN TO PLAYERS: go pub, go grate, climb trelice, etc.

Place actions allowable in that room after: >Look Statue: Description >Search bed: Description (You found a secret door) *Try and be simple yet richÐshort and succinct.

Be aware of other paths of interest, nearby important structures, smells, sounds, feelings of an area, people or animals that might be here as well. Be mysterious if needs be.

[Winged Citadel] (90) You wind down a simple path overgrown with dandelions and thick thorny gray rose bushes and you step into a thick shadow as something enormous blocks out the sunÕs light. Standing before you are two stoic statues of winged lions guarding a stone slab. The lions are a glorious sight, each carved out polished hematite, enormous mauls clenched tightly in their huge paws. Between these ominous guardians is the stone slab, a rough obelisk of marbled granite, towering over you, twenty-three feet high. High above you see the famed Winged Citadel floating seventy-five feet above the ground.

Obvious paths: se (89)

>Look Lions: The mighty guardians of polished gray stone give off a stinging chill as well as a sense of great calm and peace. Their piercing eyes seem to follow you everywhere you turn. They speak to you though their lips do not part: "Only those of pure heart may enter here." >Look slab: As you look closer at the obelisk you can make out a winged heart carved in its face surrounded by a circle of fire.

> Look up: High above you floats the foundation of the mighty citadel of the Holy Knights. It appears as if the great keep was constructed and then ripped from the ground by great magics. You can make out the faint outlines of winged figures soaring around the structure.

>Touch heart: You are whisked to a room alive with searing white light and feel as if your very soul is being probed. (90a) (MORE TO COME)

(83 to 92 Hockney Lane: SLUMS))

[St. Graymoore Hockney Lane] (85)
The cobblestone roads of the great city end here, spilling into the dirt roads and paths of St. GraymooreÕs Pauper Quarter. From the southwest comes a wonderful aroma of home cooking and the songs of revelry, but also a stench that might give one pause before traveling further. Simple wooden houses line the roads and wash bins are emptied from second floor windows. Obvious paths: ne (83), nw (86), e (84), sw (89) [Hockney Circle] (89) As you push on into the Pauper Quarter you spill into the belly of Hockney Road. A dirt circle edged round by shops and homes of roughly cut pine and scraps from construction sights. People of all races and classes push by you laughing and talking, though whispering as well. All of the citizens and traders are seemingly unaware of the financial woes of this area as they go about their lives. You hear ale mugs clinking to your left inside the ugliest pub you have ever seen with a boarÕs rear end hanging over the door as a sign. To your right, a small shoppe sits nestled behind two barren shrubs with a sign above it of a two hands with eleven fingers.
Also here: a small kitten (roaming NPC).
Obvious Paths: ne (85), nw (90), w (91), sw (92)
((Non obv. Paths: go pub (89a), go shoppe (89t)

>pet kitten: the kitten purrs happily or the kitten bats playfully at your fingers

>Look pub: You see the Flagellant Boar Pub. The doors and windows of this hideous pub are framed with mottled boar tusks. The walls are painted a puce green with brown spots. The domed roof is shingled in boar hooves, skulls, and femur bones.

>Look shoppe: You see the 11 Fingers Hock Shoppe. The shoppe is a simple stucco box with a heavy iron door and no windows.

[PauperÕs Village] (91)As you wade down a path of ankle-high garbage and things you do not whish to identify you come upon a sorrowful collection of shanties and lean-tos under the shadow of St. GraymooreÕs towering western wall. The stench of this hidden place and its occupants is terrible, like the end of a long death by cancer. Even the trees look diseased. Rats scatter upon your approach. In a clearing to your right a small cluster of the villageÕs residents are huddled around a small fire. Built close to the city wall is a small hovel. Down a path to your left, you spy a small church beneath a thick covering of thickets and dead ivory.
Also here: A crippled child (NPC), a leper (Roaming NPC), a three-legged dog, a trash pile.
Obvious exits: e (89), go path (Her Lady of Heart Nunnery (91a)
(Non obv exits: go hovel, go hole (Pauper Sewer Dungeon 91h)

>Look hovel: The hovel is made of bent twigs, rags, and a patchwork of things the rest of Graymoore has thrown away. Broken spears and staves frame the door, rusted shields are embedded into the earth serving as a walkway up to the dwelling, and wine bottle bottoms make up the windows. On the thatch roof made of straw and tabards and old wedding dresses can be seenÐ hundreds of tin ale mugs with different characters cut in their sides. The mugs are perched on sticks and as they spin in the wind the tiny candles in the mugsÕ bellies spray light-figures on the western wall. Tiny deformed children huddle behind the shanty whispering make-believe as they watch the flickering show.

>Look lights, look show, light-figures: You see dancing dragons, whales, knights, and wizards swirling in shimmering faux starlight. The display is a glorious reprieve from the horror of the deformity of the children watching the show and the sadness of this part of sprawling St. Graymoore.

>Look children: Ten children are sitting here, their tiny bodies look as if they were swirled in a taffy maker: arms and eyes and mouths all in the wrong places. It is hard to believe that even the simple light show would allow them a smileÐbut they seem quite content.

>Look crippled child: The small one-legged girl is sitting on a log warming itself. The child looks to be a girl of human decent but it is hard to tell through all its layers of dirt and rags. Gone at the hip is the childÕs entire right legÐthe wound looks as if it was sloppily cauterized. Through itÕs matted hair you can see two black holes where the childÕs eyes were apparently burned out. (Any attacks taken against the crippled girl except >give girl "x" causes arrest by the town guard.)

>Look leper: Wrapped from head to toe in bandages, (except its right eye), the leper is rocking like a willow next to the warming fire. Flames dance in the leperÕs glassy peeper as it sways and mutters a song that would make the faint of heartÕs blood run cold: (Random singing as it wanders through town).

>The leper sings: "All of us are itchy LichesÐ Some of us have found our ÔNchÕsÐ And some of us are just waiting for the stormÐ To blow it all away." Or: "Come the Sturm und Drang Down and down the drainÐ Come the storm and stressÐ Come a life of pain." Or: Gimmie a fish, Gimmie my pants, Gimmie a kiss IÕll do a little dance." (Any action taken against the leper ( ie: give leper fish) The person is suddenly filled with a burning fever and is stunned for 45 seconds. In this time the leper steals all of the gold in the personÕs possession.)

>Look trash, pile: You move toward the trash pile and notice something moving underneath the stinking waste.
>Look trash, pile (again): Beneath the maggoty pile of filth you notice skeletal fingers poking through a hidden grateÉThe fingers quickly disappear. If the waste pile were moved perhaps the grate could be opened.
>Kick pile, trash: The pile is scattered and the grate is free to be opened. (If they donÕt kick the pile and just try and
>open the grate or
>get pile, trash or
>search pile, trash ...the character is instantly diseased at 1 hp per round for 5 rounds.
>Touching the pile causes you to...You feel sickly. Your forehead breaks out into a sweat.
>Open Grate: the grate swings open revealing a dark hole into the earth. The squealing sounds of rats echo up out of the opening.

>Look dog: (Male Characters see this: You see a mangy three-legged dog with what appears to be a sly grin on its face.) Female Characters get this script: The mangy three-legged dog says: "What, ya never seen a cripple dog afore? Now give us a gold coin or sod off lass!" (Any attacks against the dog it dodges them with ease).
>Give dog coin: The three-legged dog smirks and says: "Bah! What the hellÕs a dog need with money, ya daft blunty? GiverÕer to the blind girl. Least ya can do after what ya done to Ôer."
(Any attempts with the dog after this the dog just: "Excuses are like rear endsÉand youÕre a biggun!" or "Stop flappin ya pie hole and put up or shad up, wench!)
>Give girl coin: The girl turns her hollow eyes toward you and shakes her head. (She wonÕt take loot).
With this the dog says: The three-legged dog sniffs himself and says: "Coins? What bloody merchant would let this poor girl in a shoppe? Just her stench aloneÉWell? GiveÕer some food, ya flagellant tusker!" >Give girl

>Give girl food: The girl urchin snatches your gift greedily and stuffs it in hers mouth. As she chews she snags your hands and looks deeply into your eyes with the hollow black holes in her face. Suddenly thereÕs a slight halo around the head of the crippled child and she smiles at you. (5rt between next lines)
ÐShe swallowsÉ
ÐHer smile fadesÉ
(Any action taken now says: You canÕt your hands are held fast.)
ÐThe food appears lodged in her throat.
ÐShe begins to choke, squeezing your hands so tightly that you feel your bones breakingÉ
ÐYou take 5 points of damageÉ
ÐThe girlÕs face turns blue.
ÐYou take 5 points of damage.
ÐThe girl seizesÉthen dies at your feet, finally letting go of your shattered hands.
(If the player tries to flee now: You canÕt seem to move.)
—The three-legged dog just shakes its head, big brown eyes staring wide. The three-legged dog shouts: Ð"Bloody hell!"
Ð"You killed Ôer!"
Ð"Hey! Help! This tusker killed our girl! Help! Help!"
ÐOut of nowhere comes a gimping mob of diseased paupers!
ÐTheir stench hits you like a punch in the gut!
ÐYou try and run but you slip in the mud onto your back!
ÐYou try and attack but your broken hands are useless!
ÐYou are overrun by the ghastly mob!
ÐYou feel fleshless and pocked fingers grab you!
ÐRotting flesh presses against your face! ÐSickly breath breathes into your mouth!
ÐSharp bones dig into your body as you struggle to escape!
ÐYou feel a scream burst from your mouth! ThereÕs a flash of a table leg andÉ
ÐEverything goes black. (Character goes to [Battlefield] (91.2))
(The character disappears from her party if she is in one. No one else but her has seen anything.)
(Player canÕt do anything without it saying: You are unconscious! (For 25 seconds.))

[Battlefield] (91.2)
You awaken in the midst of a horrid battlefield after the day is won. WarÐThe stench of death is noxious, mottled blood soaks the ground. Sweat soaks your body beneath your sacred armor and a blood-curdling scream wells in your breast, as you stand in piles of the fallen undead. The foul bodies as high as your hip. Standing alone, the sole survivor of the war, you bear witness the weapons of all of this destructionÐyour own bare hands! They are burning with a blinding green Holy Fire. On the verge of collapse from exhaustion you raise your chin and release the mighty warcry, "NO VICTORY WITHOUT SACRIFICE!" And as your knees falter and the darkness embraces youÉthe poor souls of the undead rise from their corpses by the thousands.
ÐThey rise heaven-homewardÉthanks to you.
ÐYou pass out. (5 second rt.)
ÐYou feel an itch in your hands. (5 second rt.)
ÐSomething is eating at the flesh around your fingers! (5 second rt.)
ÐSomething is sawing at your forearm bones! (5 second rt.)
ÐThereÕs a flash of blinding green fire and a sense of purity washes over you. But you are also aware that off in the blackness, a great evil now knows your name. (5 second rt.) (trnasported to [Nunnery Hospitol (91.3))

[Nunnery Hospital] (91.3)
The rising sun is beaming in through a simple stained glass window. The green tint of the windowÕs glass causes the sunlight to illuminate everything in a glorious emerald splendor, turning this poor hospital room into a slice of a green heaven. Around you, rows of sick beds line the long stucco walls. Moans of illness and disease rise from bandaged clumps under their sheets as the nuns of Her Lady of Heart Nunnery tend to their needs. You see a stained glass window, a medicine cabinet, a locker by your bed, and a set of stairs going up to the east. Also here: Sister Aomori Obvious exits: w (Character is lying down, down to 1 hit point, and naked.) >Look Sister: Sister Aomori is startlingly beautiful ebony-skinned human except for a jagged scar down the left side of her face. The ancient wound has apparently blinded her eye and turned it into what looks like a milky pearl. Her remaining eye is a shocking green like a tigress. The lithe Sister appears to be about thirty but it is hard to tell. Her head is completely shaved and she is dressed in a billowing habit, her hands tucked into its deep folds. ÐSister Aomori says: "Your awake. Good. Have a look at your hands. WeÕveÉfixed them." >Look hands: What you knew of your hands is gone and they have been replaced by ones that look as if they are made of living emerald-color glass. Etched in your new right palm is the word: "Victory." Etched in the left is the word: "Sacrifice." Your hands are surrounded with a soft green glow. ÐSister Aomori says: "Your kindness to the blind girl has shown you the two-edged blade of charity. What you have lost, we have replaced. Where you have given, you have received. Go now and tell know one of your Holy Hands or how they came to be. For each must find their own path. If you break this silence about your giftÉwell you wonÕt. You are weak. Please feel free to use the herbs in the medicine cabinet to heal your woundsÉOr perhaps your hands, hmm? Oh, and remember to talk to Sister Marta before you leave."

*HAND Powers and commands:

(Scripts: lays her beautiful glowing green hands on andÉ) (Nun must have a free hand to do all powers.) ÐHeal full self: Heal yourself fully once per day x level/4. (Less than 4 = once per day.)
ÐHeal self: Heal 5-10 h.p.s. 3x a day x level/2. (Less than 2 = once per day.)
ÐHeal full : same as above. ÐHeal: same as above.
ÐPunch Hands allow character to punch undead or demons and necromancer characters without need for magicsÐpunching as a Monk their level or combined level of multi-class) It also adds +3 to damage and to hit vs. undead, demons, and necromancers (on top of Monk bonuses)Ðincreasing +1 at level 3, 6, 9, 12É
At 7th level fists do a 1-20 hp holy fire damage flair (same as holy water), every three attack rounds vs. same creature.
ÐHands add + 3 to defense and saving rolls vs. Undead, demons, and necromancers x level/5 (under 5, just +3)
ÐHands allow characterÕs weapon +1 to damage and to hitÐincreasing +1 at level 3, 6, 9, 12É
at 7th level a 1-10 hp holy fire damage flair is added (same as holy water), every three attack rounds vs. same creature.
ÐCharacter suffers no level drain from undead, demons, or necromancers and only half damage as well. ÐBless: Sister grants other character ability to attack undead, demons, and necromancers without magics or cleric bless (monks can punch) for 10 rounds x NunÕs level/2. (Under 2 wonÕt work).
(Nun must have a free hand to Bless)— Undead, demon, necromancer.
Bless (based on attack roll) creature is burned for 1-20 points of Holy Fire damage once per day (increasing every 4 levels) and thereÕs a 10% chance that the opponent will catch on fire and burn for additional 1-20 points of damage every round for 5 rounds.
(Nun must have a free hand to touch monster).
Characters Hands now have their own charges like a wand: They must be recharged at the nunnery or in other holy places by offering coins or gifts (weapons gems, etc. based on their gold value.)
The amount of charges their hands can hold increases exponentially based on level though the coin value never changes: 10 coins per charge. Level 1Ð10 charges. (Charges increase 10 charges every two levels after: 3, 5, 7Éetc.)
All commands except punch require charges.
But if a character reaches 0 charges the weapon enhancements will not work.
A player can check charges by looking at hands:
0-2% (Empty) = Your hands are dark and cold.
2-19% = sputtering green sparks
20-49% = fading green glow
50-64% = soft green glow
65-74% = strong green illumination
75-85% = brilliant green flames shoot around your fingers and wrists.
86-100% = Throbbing with raw holy power and green flames of charity.


[The Gold Box] (16)
You step into a grove that bedazzles the eye. Everything appears to be made of solid goldÐthe trees, the grass, the cobblestones beneath your feet, and the Golden Box that looms before you. As you walk down the groveÕs glittering golden walkway, rows of golden apple trees rise high above you to the right and left. The wind blows gently through the treeÕs metal leaves causing an eerie scraping sound like nails on a chalkboard. An occasional golden apple falls by your feet as you tread up to the infamous Golden Box, the keep off the mighty Golden Knights of Order. The Golden Box is a perfect cube of featureless gold, 6Õ x 6Õ x 6.Õ There are no doors or windows, only some writing scrawled in the panel facing you. On each side of the front of the Box two pipes rising from the golden grass. The pipes are bent at the top, staring in your direction. Wire grating covers the mouths of the pipes and each has a sign hung around its neck. There is also a path that winds around the Box to the right and left. The right pipe is piping a haunting tune but it can barely be heard. You see a golden apple, a golden apple, a left golden pipe, a right golden pipe, a right pipe sign, a left pipe sign, a right path a left path, a Golden Apple Tree.
Obvious paths: s (15)
(Not Obvious exits: climb box (16.a), Pass tree (16.z)
(See Golden Knights for PASS verb usage)
(If the player stays for more than two turns or actions they loose one spellÐthen one additional spell every two rounds (or actions)).

*GOLDEN APPLES: The golden apples suck the spells of non-Giantkin into them (dispelling them) when thrown at them and score a hit or when a non-Giantkin character is holding the apple. The apples then store the spells and if a Giantkin eats them (Up to 7 spellsÐ7 bites) the spells are cast on him or he may cast the spell.
>Look apple: You see a solid gold apple.
>Take apple: (If anyone except Giantmen takes the apple and has spells on them or spells memorized: You feel your spells being absorbed by the apple: (One spell per two turns is sucked off the character into the apple.)
>Drop apple: (Anyone except Giantkin canÕt drop the apple until UNCURSE is cast on them or DISPELL MAGIC).
>Throw apple: (Giantkin can throw the apple at opponents and if they hit the apple dispels one spell off of their opponent.) The apple hits its target and sucks one spell into its golden core.
>Eat apple (Non-Giantkin): All your spells have been sucked from you into the apple. You are stunned! (7 seconds rt.) (The character can then not cast magic until "UNCURSE or DISPELL Magic is cast on the person.)
>Eat apple: (Giantkin): You feel all the spells of the apple now at your disposal as you chomp down the last of its core. (Spells last until cast.)
>Look tree: You see a breathtaking golden apple tree. This particular tree appears to be larger than all of the rest. Its root base is huge, thick, like the fingers of a Titan painfully pushed into the golden grass. There is a purse-lipped golden knot in the base of the treeÕs trunk. And there appears to be no appleÕs growing from this tree.

>PASS tree: (Golden Knights of 20th Level only or higher) As your liquid form passes into the treeÕs black belly you feel a portion of your armor sucked into a terrible and ancient mouthÐforever gone from you. You are spit back out of the knot. (Into (16)).
(This message then plays):
— You watch as the Giant Golden Tree begins to thrall as if in birth angst. It writhes and screams in agony! Its scraping leaves sound as if razors through steel bones. (5 second rt.)
— You see a new blossom form on one of the treeÕs branches. (5 second rt.)
— Before your eyes (if you had any) you see a new suit of armor grow from the treeÕs golden blossom! (5 second rt.)
— The armorÕs weight grows too much for the branch and it falls onto the body of and envelops him leaving nothing but the armor!"
(The Ônew recruitÕ winds up in his Golden Box Room.)

>Look writing: The writing has been hand stamped into the surface of the cube. The plain printed common writing begins in 1 inch block print and quickly goes down in size until the letters are so small that they are almost unreadable without squinting.
>Read writing: "There is only one Golden Rule: Do what weÕre saying not what we sayÐDo what weÕre thinking, not what we thinkÐIf you crown your headÉ" The writing becomes unreadable from here. (Perhaps you should squint.)
>Squint at writing: "If you crown your headÉWeÕll thump-thump you till your fedÐAll worms eat well at coronationsÐExcessive use of magicÉBrings the hammerÐExcessive use of holy powerÉBrings the maulÐThe only God is thyselfÉOur Law."

>Read right pipe sign: "In"
>Read left pipe sign: "In"

>Listen tune, Listen right pipe: A deep metallic voice coming from the right pipe sings: "WeÕre the Golden KnightsÐWe know your rightsÐTheyÕre anything we decideÉthump-thumpÐthump-thump! Nomon brought us back, so your crowned heads we would crackÐstay weak and we wonÕt collideÉthump-thumpÐthump-thump! If with us you donÕt agree, the last thing youÕll ever see, is our hammers taking you for a thump-thump rideÉthump-thumpÐthump-thump!"

>Listen left pipe: You hear a dreadful sucking sound and a faint whisper. >Listen whisper: A deep metallic voice whispers: "Not everything you hear is trueÉ" Your ear is ripped from your head and diced as it sucked through the grating into the pipe! You are stunned! (25 sec. rt.) (7 points of damage! Head bleederÐ 3 damage per round.))

>Go left path:

[The Gold Box] (16.b)
As you wind your way around the box you see much the same as the other sides: a featureless golden cube 6Õ x 6Õ x 6Õ with small writing on the panel facing you. Golden apple trees border the path, their leaves scraping eerily. You see small writing, a golden apple, a right path a left path.
Obvious paths:
(Not Obvious exits: Climb box (16.a))

>Read writing: Thorns are the wit of golden rosesÐContradictions are one nostril shared by twin noses. If the blind were meant to seeÉthere would be no Knights of Golden Order.

Go right path:
[Golden Box] (16.c)
As you wind your way around the box you see much the same as the other sides: a featureless golden cube 6Õ x 6Õ x 6Õ with small writing on the panel facing you. Golden apple trees border the path, their leaves scraping eerily. You see small writing, a golden apple, a right path a left path.
Obvious exits:
(Not Obvious exits: Climb box (16.a))

>Read writing: "If you would like to be a Golden KnightÉ" The writing becomes unreadable from here. (Perhaps you should squint.) >Squint at writing: "ÉDeclare yourself king, put on a crown, and wait here."

Go right path:
[Golden Box] (16.d)
As you wind your way around the box you see much the same as the other sides: a featureless golden cube 6Õ x 6Õ x 6Õ with small writing on the panel facing you. Golden apple trees border the path, their leaves scraping eerily. You see small writing, a golden apple, a right path a left path.
Obvious exits:
(Not Obvious exits: Climb box (16.a))

>Read writing: If you find any artifacts of which Nomon story toldÐPlease keep them and weÕll be right with you. In factÉtry and hide it from usÐWe love games.

Climb box:
[Golden Box] (16.a)
You pull yourself up on top of the cube. The top looks much the same as the other four sides except there is a small notch in the center of the writing. Golden apple tree leaves scrape eerily all around you. You see a golden apple, small writing, a notch.
Obvious exits: down
(Not Obvious exits: go notch. (16. <#>)

>Read writing: "Thump-thump!"

>Look notch: The small opening looks barely big enough to put your finger in. (If a non-Golden Knight puts their finger in the notchÉ)
>Put finger in notch: You hear a terrible sucking sound and your finger is ripped off into the hole! (3 points of damage + 1 pt. bleeder.) (If a Golden Knight (armored or not)(under 20 trains) pokes his finger into the notchÉ)
>Put finger in notch: Suddenly you become very ill and all that glitters is not gold! Your entire body and all of your items suddenly turn to liquid metal! The sensation is horrible as, like a jellyfish you are sucked through the notch! Slurp! (Golden Knights under 20 go to16.f.Ð20 and over go to 16.k)

[Gold Square for Knight of Contradiction or Thorns #] (16.f. <#>)
The notch in the ceiling disappears as you pour out onto the floor. The feeling is ghastlyÐchaoticÐas if your being would trickle away into the pores of the earth if not contained in this golden box. You are very cold. Because of your viscous form your vision is warped and wavering. Your gelatinous eyes blink but the scene you see does not clear. You see as if underwater in a golden seaÐand you are the seaÐa tumultuous golden ocean trapped inside a golden box. ItÕs beautiful, this sparkling placeÐlit by an unseen light source. Perhaps it is your light. Floating all around youÐinside you, like strange fish, are your possessions and your insides turned to gold. Before you are two notches. Over the right notch it says, "Flesh is the path to Chaos." Over the left notch it says, "The Liver is the filter of Chaos." You see a left notch, a right notch, a golden liver, a golden brain, a golden heart, a golden skeleton.
Obvious exits: none.
(Not Obvious exits: put finger in right notch (16), put finger in left notch (16).)

>Look (right or left) notch: The small opening looks barely big enough to put your finger in. >Put finger in right notch: You feel your body sucked through the notch. It travels through what seems like miles and miles of turning twisting pipes until you pour out of the left porthole in front of the Golden Box. You are again in your original formÉ
(They arrive at 16 in human form with all of their objects, back in Giantkin form.)

>Put liver in left notch: You watch as your liver is slurped through the tiny opening. You canÕt see it but you feel your liver travel down and down, deep into the earth, through a system of roots or pipes until it squeezes through tiny holes in the visor of a hollow set of platemail made of gold. The armor turns to liquid metal and travels a different set of roots or pipes back to the surface. The golden ooze squeezes out of the right porthole in front of the Golden BoxÉ
— You are in your Golden Knight form.
ÐYou are now Knight of (Contradiction or Thorns) # <x> (They are now in 16 in their golden armored form.)

[Golden Hallway] (16.k)
You are in the center of the Golden Box. Your armored form has reconstituted. The Box is enormous on the inside, ten times the size the outside world sees. The glittering golden walls are choked with tiny golden boxes stacked so high up you can almost not see them for the glare of the sparkling ceiling. Numbers on all of the faces of the boxes. Thick golden pipes and veins or roots seem to be strangling the walls and these tiny cagesÐIt almost appears as if this room is inside some strange golden monsterÕs organ; half-living thingÐhalf-machine. The veins are beating: "Thump-thump, thump-thump!" Above you see the notch where you entered. Below you, you see another notch. You also see a box with your number on it.
Obvious exits: up (16.a), d (16.l).

>Look box # (their number) The box appears almost translucent. As you peer harder you can see your old body trapped inside. Taproots poke into the liquid carcass from the walls of its prison. Your gold face is trapped in a frozen screamÐthe mouth only able to open as far as it is because it is viscous.