Dream Knights© Writer's Reference section v. 3/1/01

ST. GRAYMOORE Blurb: v.01

ÐSt. Graymoore is a New City built on the ashes of the old city of Carmenty on the Coast of the GraymooreÕs Ocean (formerly Hogor Ocean).

ÐSt. Graymoore is a wealthy, happy city on the exteriorÐmany races and classes all sharing the same existence. (Though beneath the surface there is a great evil at work with its fingers in all of the aspects of life)

ÐThe government is currently theocracy run by the Knight-Priests of St. Graymoore who reside in the Our Savior Cathedral (See St. Graymoore Map) (Graymoore was the former Emperor of all of Lankford and is now believed to be ascended to god status for saving the World from the World Serpent (see Sturm und Drang Document & List of Gods)).

ÐThough the Knight-Priests run everything, much of the cityÕs day to day is run by the Council of High Lords: a body of Royals from around the City. (Knight Orders, Magic Schools, Nuns, A rep of each of the Races and Social Classes.)

ÐSt. Graymoore has it allÐGothic architecture to pauper shacks, lush parks and grand gardens, to dangerous back alleysÐ a grand coliseum for Knight Games, eerie graveyards, bars, pubs, inns, shops, guildsÐAreas from super wealthy to very impoverishedÐracially biased quarters as well.

ÐThe ships are a mix of the grand three sail monsters of the St. Graymoore Navy to tiny fishing boats which are a large part of the economy and food supply.

ÐThe city was called Carmenty before the tidal waves following the banishment of the World Wyrm swept over it and destroyed almost everything. They have been rebuilding it for 10 years now. (Include old sections referring to Carmenty: See After Fall doc.)

Ð(The Bell tower of the Holy Savior Cathedral was in fact the former tower of the Knights of the Lotus Keep.)

ÐTo the NE is the former Capitol of all of Lankford; Lankford Primus. Lankford Primus is now called the Isle of Dead Kings (see Sturm und Drang)

Ða haunted isle surrounded by a thick green fog which can be seen from St. GraymooreÕs eastern guard towers and docks.

ÐSt. Graymoore is an open city though heavily guarded. ItÕs Main Gate is a magnificent towering edifice that must be passed by paying a small donation and approval by the Guard. The great wall surrounding the city is made of huge blocks of stone. It links all of the cityÕs guard towers and can be walked upon (only by the city guards and members of the St. Graymoore Knight-Priests)

ÐThe City is of course named after the former Emperor and there should be edifices and small details dedicating honors upon him.

ÐMore details about the city will be entered as you writers develop everything. Make sure you are aware of all races and classes so you can fill your descriptions with various background people.