Dream Knights© Writer's Reference section v. 3/1/01

Graymoore Topography. Ruminations of Wiero Viphi, Travelling Artist "As I wandered around this vast city, looking for breathtaking scenes to render, I found myself wondering what I'd see if I looked up. What was the view beyond the building I was seeing in front of me?. Surely I would be able to see the spire of St Graymoores Cathedral from nearly any point in the city. I then wondered what else I would see if I looked in other directions. So I walked through town to the very base of the Great Gate, and turned to see what I could see.

The Tower of High Magic is something to behold. Standing (at least) 100 feet tall, this too should be visible from many points in the city, and provide quite a backdrop to some of my work. The Winged Citadel, hovering 75 feet above the ground would be visible from many points as well, in fact the view beneath the citadel is an interesting subject to be sure.

Then I got to thinking, 'what is the geography of this site?' . This City was built upon the ruins of Carmenty which was destroyed by flood. But why was Carmenty here to begin with? My ruminations discerned ther must have been a stream here at some point, winding eastward towards the sea. It looks to have entered where the WestGate now stands, and turn gently north, through the grocers market, into Swallows Pond. From there, the stream could have met with the ocean by the bridge, in the northeast corner of town. Rumor has it that Carmenty used the stream as part of thier sewer system, and that this new city uses some of those same tunnels, but not nessecarilly for moving sewage.

THe Cathedral of St Graymoore, and the walled Citadel encasing it are located on the top of a large granite hill, giving it added protection from the Flood (should it ever happen again) , as well as a solid foundation. From atop this hill, one can see over the walls that surround the city, and the landscape beyond.

The former capital, Lankford Prime, was just across the water there, a few miles Northeast, out to sea. On a clear day, the gloomy island makes a wonderful backdrop , if one is standing at a higher elevation in the city. The topsails o fthe three masted ships in port are visible from Catherdal Hill as well as any ships at sea.

To the north, the coast cuts northwest. The Emperor's Road paralleling it drawing a lazy diagonal line in the landscape. Far in the distance, the hazy smoke of small settlements can be made out. If one knows where to look, and the sun catches it just right, the tip of the knights tower to the Northwest can be seen.

The forrest spans the breadth of the view westward, just beyong the meager farmland that surrounds Graymore. The Emperors Road continues off in that direction as well.

In order to look south , one should be inside the Cathedral (or any of the other palatial buildings surrounding it). Were one standing on the Abbot's balcony, the hills that mark the territory of the Silverbeard Dwarves could be spotted. With a spyglass, one could even make out the sturdy Silverbeard Keep itself.

Due West lies Nomon's Isle. This isle is as mystical as it's name, and rumor holds that if it can be seen from here (Graymoore) that one should watch thier step that day, for Fate would deliver them a message.

Turning my gaze back inside the city walls, I noted that while I was on the highest street in the city, there were other hills in town as well. The Tower and the Citadel, both of which were on high groud as well, seemed to have thier foundations raised slightly. To the eastern side of the city was Capital Hill. The massive stone structures of the Great Library, Captiol Hall, and the Peoples Voice were all placed on a lower, but no less solid hill. in the northesatern section, across what would have been the stream, lie the elevated neighborhoods of Graymoore Estates, and the Royal Houses, built upon a small bluff.

In sharp contrast to the evelation and grandeur of Cathedral Hill, the sections of town flanking the hill were low, and tangled. To the west, the ruins of the old Abandoned Keep poked above the West Quarter Cemetary, and her gnarled willow trees. The east was the Wooded Glen, and the halfling Village. While certailny kept in better condition than the cemetary, the glen took on a shadowy gloom once night descended.

Taking the city in one sweeping glance, I was surprised to see how many of the city squares held greenery. There were parks and ponds , gardens and grass fields. Even several of the homes had planterboxes spilling greenery into the scene. It gave the city a feel of lushness, life, and growth. It will be a task to render this city, but I knew I was up to the task."

by Rob W

I added some details to the St Graymoore map. The graymaproad. jpg shows the main avenues, walls, waterways, and greenery. The graymoortopo.jpg is a rough topographical map of the elevations of the street. I am doodling an elevation view that will be as if seen from the deck of a ship coming into port Also, Some Q & A Q: What is the name of the Street running E-W from 88 to 102? A: Sunway Q: whats' the tallest building in St Graymoore? How tall? A :St Graymoore cathedral. two hunder feet to the spire Q: how level is the town itself? what min max street elevation above sea level? A: Catherdral rests on the highest point in the city, a granite hill about 100 feet above sea level q: what are the Town Colors? constabulary, official seal, Knight Priest descriptions? A: White Blue and Gray(silver)...maybe some yellow (gold) thrown in Q: what are the constabulary armed with? Std Equipment? A:chainmail, longsword, small shield, Cloak, Constabulary sash / badge / tunic (maroon bg w/ Gray griffon?) , light source, whistle, rope, gold q: what are the top 10 Laws of the Land? 1. no killing 2 no stealing 3. honor your elders blasphemy 5. public pofanity, defication, desecration Q: are the white numbered boxes on the map free to be fleshed out by the author? A: Yes Q: God of Wisdom and learning? A:Mythena the Owl: Goddes of Knowledge and Wisdom q:what does the St.Graymoore coat of arms look like? Coat of arms...Maybe an emperor's crown, Iron Gauntlet, Glowing Sword stick to grays and blues and whites... Q: what is the alignment of the city / govt? A: Lawful Good