Dream Knights© Writer's Reference section v. 3/1/01


ANIMAL MEN: With the return of Magic following the Loss of the Kings, strange experiments were performed by the Andlorian WizardÕs Guild to create the perfect Knights to Protect the Wizards and their magic towers. Most attempts at the Creation Magic failed, the new Wizards were still green with their wielding of the Arcane Arts. Also, the Golden Knights of Order had gotten wind of their use of Magic against nature and they ordered them to stop their experiments at once. Four Hybrids did however manage to take holdÑand are lumped under the title of Animal Men. These half-breeds were scheduled to be exterminated so as not to bring the wrath of the fearsome "goodly" Golden Knights down on the growing guildÉbut they all managed to somehow escape. Since this time their population has grown considerably, and their furry faces seem to now be everywhere. And most breeds are accepted by society and even loved, especially the noble Manes and the bumbling, good-natured Grizz. The Wolven, though accepted are not as easy to pin down in terms of demeanor and are treated with skepticism. And then there are the HissprexÑthis breed LankfordÕs population wishes the Golden Knights had stomped out.

The MANES: The Manes are a gloriously beautiful race of Big Cat & Cat/Giantkind, Human, and Elven hybrids. Lithe and powerful the Manes are covered in lush, luxurious fur from the tip of their whiskered noses to the end of their thumping tails, and their dazzling eyes are a sight to behold. There are three main types of Manes: 1. The PrideMane. These giant noble creatures were the first generation of the Manes. With their billowing manes, mighty roar, fangs and claws that can rend and crush bone, they are known as some of the finest fighters and Knights in all of Lankford. 2. The PurrMane: are the first of the bastard generation of Manes, half-Pride/half-Elven. This white-or black furred variety is only found as female. They are more Elven than Feline and more house cat than big cat. The PurrMane are a sly and sensuous animal that gives new meaning to the word "catty." With hollowed bones and lovely curves under their coats, these sloe-eyed Feline-Elves find themselves doing quite well in the more nimble arts. And 3. The SwiftMane are a bastard of the PrideManes and PurrMane mates. The spotted Leopard-Men are built for one thingÑSpeed. At home on four paws as well as two, the SwiftManes can reach speeds of fifty miles per hour and gain extra attacks on every turn.


Physical Traits:

Color: Golden Brown or Northern White
Eyes: Green or Ice Blue
Height: 7Õ to 8.5Õ (Large)
Weight: 250lbs. to 400 lbs.
Alignment: Must be Lawful Good (though allowed "playful" tendencies).
Bonuses: +2 Strength, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma, +1 Constitution.
Must be a Dire Lion for first level and serve as the pet of a Holy Knight School, adventuring with them until humanoid traits take over. Then the PrideMane starts out at level 1 in their new class. (Roar Skills start in "Dire Level".) -1 Intelligence, -1 Saving vs. Fire because of coat Can only use two-handed blunt weapons at a Ð3 to hit because of limited dexterity of paws. Can only be Fighter, Holy Knight, (Undead/ Demon Fighting Paladin whose spells donÕt start until 5th Level) or Monks. No Multi-Class.
Special Attacks:
Claw, Bite, Stunning Paw, Roar*, Purr, Tail Sweep, Pounce, Suffocating Bite, Maul, Hamstring Fleeing Opponent. +2 Intimidate Skill. Pride (Group) Attack Bonuses: +1 to Hit, +5% Chance to Exhaust Opponent Each Round, +2 to Suffocating Bite After 3 Rounds. *Roar: (Takes one attack round) Use increases once per day per 2 levelsÑRoars maybe combined at anytime into one Roar, up to 3 attributes.
Level 1(Dire Lion)) 25% Chance to make 1d4 lower level opponents wet their pants. (+1 opponent per 2 trains.)
2) Boosts Personal or GroupÕs To Hit +1. (+1 added every 4 trains.)
3) Boost Group Save vs. Will +3 for 1d6 rounds.
4) 10% Chance to upset 1d4 spell castersÕ concentration causing them to fumble and loose the spell for that day (increases 1% every level).
5) 35% Frighten enemy away under 2 levels (increases 1 level per level).
6) 10% Chance of stunning single opponent 1d4 rounds (can make Save vs. Will) (Ability increases 1% every 2 trains.) 10) 10% (increases 10% every 3 trains) Summons 1 giant lion to aid in battle, (increases to 1d4 at 12th level, 1d6 at 15th level, and 1d10 at 18th level).
12) 15% that 1d4 PrideMane fighters of 1d6th Level will show up to aid in combat. (Roll die for each fighter to determine level).
15) 20% Stuns 1d10 Small & Medium opponents1d4 rounds (Save cuts duration in halfÑno less than 1 round.)
17)10% Chance causes enemy to fight for the PrideMane until released or up to 1d4 days (20% for Knights & Paladins)(1% chance loyalty forever. (5% Holy Knight)).
20) +2 to all die and bonuses and +10% to all attributes of Roar. (Successful Pride (group) Roars compound effects.) Special Attributes:
+1 Saving vs. Cold because of coat. +5 feet to movement up to 50 yards. %10 Chance to Catch Scent of Prey. +2 Jump Skill, +1 Climb Skill. +3 Resist Evil Magic. +1 Shield Bash, +2 Alertness, +1 Hit Points Every 3 Levels. Great Fortitude Feat. +2 Handle Animal. (As Holy Knight: summons a Giant Eagle at 10th level instead of Horse.) Darkvision. Immune to any fear at 10th Level. Languages: Mane, Common.


Physical Traits:
Color: All White or All Black
Eyes: Yellow, Blue, or Green
Height: Medium
Weight: 50lbs. to 80lbs. (Lighter with hollow bones)
Alignment: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral (Good)
Bonuses: +1 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence
-1 Strength, -2 Constitution, (-2 Hit Points), -1 Saving Throw vs. Fire (Fur) Can only use light bladed weapons and darts. Can only be Thief, Ranger, or Ranger/Thief.
Special Attacks:
Claw, Bite, Hiss, Purr, Tail Sweep, Flip, Seduce (5% chance to seduce (hypnotize) male opponent at 5th level (Can Save vs. Will) (increases 1% every level). (Opponent exceptions apply.) Skill can be used once per day, increasing once per day every 2 levels).
Special Attributes:
+1 Saving Throw vs. Cold (Fur). + 7Õ to speed for 50 yards. + 2 Climb Skill, +2 Jump Skill, +1 Escape Artist Skill Always lands on feet up to a 50Õ fall. Summon 1 to 10 cats twice a day. +2 Handle Animal. Alertness, Dodge Feat, Mobility, + 3 Move Silently and Hide. Lightning Reflexes, +1 Pick Pockets, +1 Bluff. Darkvision. Languages: Mane, Common.

Physical Traits:
Color: Golden Yellow or Snow White with Black Spots or All Black
Eyes: Yellow, Green, Ice Blue
Height: Medium
Weight: Medium
Alignment: Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral (Good)
Bonuses: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence
-1 Constitution, - 1 to Strength and Dexterity after Sprinting past 100 yards. Must be Ranger, Bounty Hunter, Thief, or Monk. Looses all Dexterity Bonus with medium or heavy armor and canÕt use all- fours. Can only use light melee weapons (more dexterous paws than PrideManes).
Special Attacks:
Bite, Improved Trip, Suffocating Bite on Small Creatures. Run Down (All Fours), High Ambush, Hamstring on Fleeing Creatures.
Special Attributes:
Ambidexterity, Combat Reflexes, Whirlwind Attack After 5 Levels, Spring Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Move Silently. Always lands on feet up to a 35Õ fall. + 3 Move Silently and Hide. Improved Two-Weapon Attack. +2 Climb Skill, +2 Jump Skill. Lightning Reflexes. Darkvision. Languages: Mane, Common.


The GRIZZ: These massive Beast-Men are lumbering, loveable, good-natured, Giantkind-Bear Hybrids with a terrible love of honey. With their thick hides of fur, huge teeth, and claws they prefer to live mostly in wooded and colder climbs, but they are no stranger to city life because of all of the available food. The Grizz also donÕt shun what armor they can fit over their hulking frames. Huggable, the Grizz are a favorite of children, and often hired as their protectors. And though not the brightest apples in the cart, woe to those who anger these good-hearted oafs, these nearly indestructible Fighters and Grapplers. The life of a Grizz is usually a happy one, filled with much wrestling, heroics, eating of honey, drinking of mead, and laughter, but due to their immense size they are not very long lives. On average they only live to be 50 years old (though a rare few with 18 (natural constitution) have lived up to 100). In Lankford there are two types of Grizz: the Polar Grizz and the Grizz. Both are the same except for color.

The Grizz & PolarGrizz:
Physical Traits: Color: Black, Brown, Red, Polar White
Eyes: Black Height: 7Õ to 9.5Õ (Large)
Weight: 350lbs. to 550lbs.
Alignment: Lawful Good or Chaotic Good
Bonuses: +3 Strength (-2 To Hit), + 3 Constitution, +1 Charisma. +2 Hit Points on top of Constitution Bonus,
Must be a Dire Bear for first level and serve as the pet of a Holy Knight School, adventuring with them until humanoid traits take over. Then the Grizz starts out at level 1 in their new class. (Growl Skills start in "Dire Level".) -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom. Must be Fighter (Holy Knight) or Grappler*. Can only wear chest protection and helm. Can only use two-handed Blunt Weapons Because of Paws (-3 to hit). (No shield). -2 Against Fire (Fur). %10 Chance to be distracted by Honey or Salmon.
Special Attack: Claw, Bite, Bear Hug, Decapitate, Flatten, Knock Down Large Object, Charge, Improved Bull Rush. Can Attack Three Small Creatures at Once or Two Medium Creatures. Stomp Ground. Growl: (Once Per Day improving 1 per day per 3 trains. Can combine up to 3 attributes per Growl at 5th Level.)
1). 15% all lower or equal level creatures will wet their pants (Save vs. Will at Ð2)
2). 10% 1d10 small opponents fight at Ð1 defense, -1 attack. 3. 2% Disrupt Spell Caster (fumble spell/loose spell.) (Increases 1% per level) 4. 2% Summon Dire Bear to help fight. (Increases 1% per level. 6th level its 1d4 bears. 12th its 1d6 bears + 1d4 Grizz Grapplers of 4th to 7th level. 20th 1d10 + 1d4 Grizz Grapplers of 15th Level.
5). 2% Small opponent gives Grizz all of his possessions before fleeing in fear. (Increases 1% per level.) (Can Save vs. Will)
10). 10% Animals will befriend Grizz forever, (never attacking them, 2% will help them in one cause.) (Can Save vs. Will)
15) All Growl rolls increase 5% all bonuses +2 or Ð2.
Special Attributes:
-2 vs. all physical damage. Ð4 damage vs. blunt weapons, 20% chance small lower level creatures will flee, +3 Intimidate. Rage: +3 Damage for 3 turns once per day at Level 5. + 3 Saving Throw vs. Cold (Always half-damage). Immune to Illusions. +2 Climb. Hibernate (Full Heal in 8 Hours) Immune to all types of fear at 5th level.


The Wolven: The Wolven are fearsome, stoic, Wolf-Men Half-Breeds. Covered in lush gray, black, or white fur the WolvenÕs haunting howls can be heard for miles. As Lone Wolfmen or in Great Packs they roam LankfordÕs colder regions in search of a good fight, generally keeping to themselves. Yellow eyes and white fangs glimmering in the darkest nights. The Wolven are some of LankfordÕs greatest Bounty Hunters and Rangers, equal if not better than the elves they able to track pray for hundreds of miles. More than the other batsmen, the Wolven are very close to their human halves, mixing the intelligence of humans with the supreme cunning of wolves, though they have no verbal speech except for Wolven Howls and body language. They retain their human hands, enabling them to use a wide variety of weapons and be very skilled with their hands in all things, (also making them great thieves). They also have human noses, and have no tails, no claws, though their fangs are still a quite formidable weapon in a pinch.

The Wolven:

Physical Traits:
Color: Gray, Black, White.
Eyes: Gold, White, Blue, Green, Brown.
Height: Medium
Weight: Medium
Alignment: Any.
Bonuses: +1 Intelligence, + 1 Dexterity.
Restrictions: -2 Charisma. No Spoken Language except for Wolf Sounds and Body Language. Must be Rangers, Thieves, Assassins, or Bounty Hunters. Must stick to Light Armor. Ð2 Animal Lore. 35% Chance of spooking animals (10% Flee, 5% Attack).
Special Attacks:
Bite, Pack Attacks: Ambush, Wear Down, Trip, +5 Back Stab, Hamstring Fleeing Foes. Special Attributes: Uncanny Hearing (+3 Listen Skill), Nightvision, 35% Chance of Smelling Prey, Ambush, and Fear. +4 Tracking Skill. + 5 Feet to Movement. +2 Initiative. +2 Balance. +4 Move Silently. +2 Wilderness Lore. +2 All Skills and Attribute Bonuses at Night vs. Creatures with normal vision. +2 Setting Trap Skill. Immune to Bluff or any beguile at 3rd Level.


The HISSPREX: Foul and sly, cloaked in secrecy and dark hooded robes, this Cobra-Man race of grotesque Sorcerers and Yahli Clerics are one of the most feared and hated in all of Lankford. With scales of red or black or green, the Hissprex possess hypnotic stares, hooked fangs and poison biteÉbut worst of all is their potential to be the most destructive magic users of all time should their kind find the Eye of NÕch.

Physical Attributes: Color: Black or Red or Green
Eyes: Gold or Red
Height: Medium
Weight: Medium
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Green: Chaotic Evil)
Red: +3 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity
Black: +2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity.
Green: +3 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Red: -3 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution
Black: -2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -1 Constitution
Green: - 2 Constitution, -3 Strength, -1 Intelligence
Black must be Death Cleric-Necromancer only. Red must be Wizard-Sorcerer only, Green must be Cleric-Bard only. No Armor. No Weapons. Ð3 vs. Cold Magic. Unable to cast spells in Snake Form until 10th level. + 3 chance to have limb/neck severed against claw or blade when Critical is scored.
Special Attacks:
Poison Bite:1d4 every round not saved against. Black: Spit Poison 10Õ. Polymorph: Giant Boa, Constriction Red: Spit Acid 10Õ. Polymorph: Small Cobra, Transmute Bite. Green Hypnotic Stare. Polymorph: Asp, Death Gaze. Charm. Special Attributes: Snake Form Once Per Day. Regenerate Limb/Heal Serious Wounds (Self) twice per day. Reattach Head once per day. Use Any Magic Device Any Alignment for Evil. Red: +5 Knowledge Arcane, Maximize Spell Feat. Green: +5 Knowledge Religion. Empower Spell Feat. Black: +4 Knowledge Necromancy. Heighten Spell Feat. +3 Save vs. Will Magic, +2 Alchemy. +3 Detect Magic Artifact. Languages: Hissprex, Common, Reptile, Drow.


GIANTKIND: Giant Men and Women are huge Humans from the Normanic and Hyperborean Frozen Wastes. Although a bit sluggish and illiterate, they more than make up for their handicap with tremendous strength, and constitution. Many an army left the field of battle before the fight even began at the sight of an army of Giantkind wielding 7Õ Zweihandlers and War Mauls. Giantkind have no restrictions on class, alignment, weapons, or armor (except class restrictions). Physically they appear in two races, the blonde, bearded, blue-eyed, Normanic Berserkers, and the ebon-skinned, black-eyed, clean-shaven Hyperboreans whose weapon smithy rivals even the Forge Dwarves. All Giantkind are from 6Õ 5" to 8Õ and weigh between 200 and 400lbs. All Giantkind have + 3 Strength (+3 Damage, -1 To Hit), +2 Constitution, +1 Charisma. Ð2 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence. Ð2 Feet Movement. Cannot fight with two weapons. Stunning Fist after 10th Level. Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, and Sunder. +1 Hit Points every 3 Levels. +2 Intimidate. +2 Save vs. Cold Attacks. Strict Lawful Neutral Normanic (Judge) Knights, Paladins, and Clerics may become Golden Knights of Order at Level 10.) Languages: Hyperborean, Normanic and Common. The Normanic Giantkind also get Berserk as if Barbarian Class at 7th Level. The Hyperborean Giantkind, of any class, are skilled in weapon making, and at 7th level can even make magic weapons. And get +1 Damage, +1 To Hit when using their Forge Hammers as weapons (they take 18 strength just to lift up though).


LANKFORDÕS DWARVES get +1 Strength with a total of 17 or 18 Constitution (bonuses not included), +1 Wisdom after 200 Years, -1 Charisma. (Then AD&D Standards.)

ELVES are Ð1 Strength, +1 Wisdom after 400 years old, +1 Wilderness Lore, Speak to Plants. Speak Pixieish (Then AD&D Standards.)

SEA ELVES can breathe underwater, have +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity underwater, and must return to the sea every week for one whole day or suffer Ð1 to all scores each day until they do. They also speak one undersea animal language (mammal, fish, crustacean etc..

DROW (Dark Elves) have +1 Intelligence, -2 Strength and must be Evil. They also can become ethereal once per day at 10th Level without the use of a spell.)


HUMANS have +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +1 Profession. (Then Standard AD&D)

HALF-ELVES have No negative Constitution, +1 Dexterity. (Then Standard AD&D)

HALF-ORCS are standard AD&D plus: +2 Intimidate. Power Attack, Cleave, Bull Rush. Choke. Offend (2% Chance to make opponent gag and loose initiative).