Dream Knights© Writer's Reference section v. 3/1/01

Gods & Politics of Lankford: Gods:

o No Name, The Trickster, The Creator of All: Creation, Pranks, Humor, Evolution, Protector of the Weak.

o The North Star: Light & Comfort & Sailors.

o Aria: Goodness, Love, Compassion, Vanity.

o The Void (Un-face): Emptiness, the Dark, Gloom.

o Vegras-Flameback (Dragon): The Sun, Power, Vengeance, Fire Magic.

o Spine (Gray Whale): The Gray Moon, Tides, Attraction, Meditation, Water Magic, (Gray Gryphons).

o Massive (Blue Whale): Blue Moon, Sailors, Peace, Strength, Imagination, Dreams, Illusion, (Blue Knights).

o Ice Eyes: (Polar Bear/ Wolf): White Moon, Snow Storms, Ice Magic, Berserking.

o The First Tree (Titan): Nature, Neutrality, Spring, Harvest, Wood Elves

o Saint Graymoore: Valor, Sacrifice, Purpose.

o Q'xuil'nixfe'zarl The Ultimate Chaos (High Demon Prince)

o The Gray Man (Arch Angel): Death.

o Fey (Cherubim): Lesser Death.

o Malkutharl: Queen of Good Dragons: Dreams, Kindness, Might, Birth,

o McKracken, Blacksmith of the Gods: Dwarves, Blacksmiths, and Architecture.

Titans: (Elementals)
o Frosteye
o Thunderfist
o Fireheart
o Mother of the Sea
o Dirt

Devil Crowns (Dark Angels): (Lawful Evil)
o Drucix: Dark Law
o The Brood-Vix: The Pact, Selfish Wishes.
o Lucifane: Vanity & Fame
o Nephistous: (Black Knights, Dark Clerics), Lust, and Power.

Known High Demons: (Chaotic Evil)
o Q'xuil'nixfe'zarl: The Ultimate Chaos (god)
o Fragnot the World Wyrm: Gluttony, Vampirism
o Crax: High Fester of Evil Dragons &Wyrms
o Mitor (Coldfinger)
o Fator (Conflagrationous)
o FlaĠKiĠNox: Pestilence & Disease

Known Arch Angels:
o Alepha: Creation, Magic.
o The Gray Man: Death (god).
o Baruchet: Might, Battle, Music.
o Daleth: Love, Forgiveness.
o Yod-Nemex: Divine Grace.
o Lionous: Animals, Storms, Passion, Loyalty.
o Omegus: The Apocalypse.
o Fey (Cherubim): Lesser Death.

Other Known Celestials:
o The Great Nothing Beast
o Valkyries
o Fates
o Beyonders
o The Golden Order: Purity, Piety & Anti-Magic.