Thunder Perfect House

David Caplan

~My Portraits are currently being done for gifts.

I have received everything from a warm hug
to flowers delivered to my (RL) door
to $200.00 (RL) dollars
to a wonderful twin headed black Morning Star
to 300k to a few Million in Gemstone Coins.

Whatever you can afford or your heart tells you to give is fine.

You'll just be sending me the basics on yourself, appearance, personality, etc.
Stick to the essentials! Think Haiku. (Some people even send me scanned head shots from RL
and I incorporate them.)

Portraits take from one week to a month to complete.

So... email me and I'll sharpen my claws and get the paints ready
and see what we can come up with.

(My portraits can not be seen in Gemstone. The gods of course have monopolized this option.)

***Below are some of the many emails from happy clients and dear friends upon
       receiving their Portraits.


~Lord Razo: Wow, I am really impressed, its better then I thought, I already sent a mail with my pic and your web site to all my friends and family that I know telling them they should get one done also, I hope they all come to you, you are a very talented artist, thanks again and keep in touch :)

Lady Eyyre: I saw the portrait! I love it! I really like it I must say. I owe you my friend. Thank you.

Pyrdwehn & Jarel : As I said before .. you are a very special friend! This will make you part of our lives forever, as we will think of you whenever we look at the portrait.

Lady Kassy: ::smiles:: hiya hun, I just got back from my vacation to some of the most > wonderful gifts within my box. They are wonderful! ::grins:: I really loved > them hun, each one took my breath away. Now ya know, I'm gunna be telling a > lotta people about the wonderful work you do, and in time I'm sure that > everyone will see what a talented individual you are. If there is anything > you want or need and I can help you, let me know. Until then, I must say I'm > still awestruck by your talent. Thank you so much.

-Aislynn Slyvin Queen of Felines: Thank you so much! Amazing how you did it so quickly, too! I just love it, for it really portrays Aislynn's rather dark side. :) You must come meet me in the game so I can give you a gift or two for it. Thank you once again!





email Thunderlion

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